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>all starts 2 weeks ago, kept getting a little manic and not taking my meds, got away with it for the most part
>few days ago I knew an episode was coming on, shit was starting to get weird, was having auditory hallucinations and wasn't sleeping
>taking my meds though so thought it would be fine
>had a drink because everything was fine and because I'm fucking retarded
>went to sleep
>had a dream that I was late for work (I don't have a job, I'm self-employed)
>woke up in a panic, started getting ready for work
>drove to work
>mid-drive I forget where work is
>realise I don't have to go to work
>realise I gave my dad my car keys
>where the fuck am I
>woke up, sleeping in the shed
>mum starts shouting me, go to open shed door
>open door, another door behind it
>mum's voice starts changing pitch
>oh fuck
>try to avoid stimulation and find somewhere quiet to calm down
>walk to this abandoned cowshed that is like 200 yards from my house
>open the door, nice and quiet
>climb into the loft
>ultra cosy
>doors open at the top, idk if you've ever seen a two-story stone cowshed, they tend to litter English fields and don't get used, you'd know one if you saw it
>climb onto roof
>somehow fall off, land on my right knee (I only remember going into the loft and then being on the floor)
>dogwalker sees the final flurry, calls amber-lance
>apparently a simple transverse fracture, usually the type seen when old people fall over from standing
>surgery 6am this morning
>absolutely bollocksed on all of the good meds right now
>cannot feel benis or legs