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omfg I'm so pissed off right now
I've been craving a fucking Slurpee since last night
So I'm driving to go see my GF and I see the 7-11 and
I go and I fill up my cup and the fucking bitch that works there tells me I have to take the hoodie off my head
I was like what ? huh ? then this fucking black dude tells me hey you have to take off your hoodie
I was like, ya i heard what she said Why do I have to take off my hoodie ? Its fucking raining, and its fucking cold and the bitch tells me I have to take off my hoodie or she's not going to serve me a fucking Slurpee
I said fuck you I'm not taking off my hoodie this is fucking america If I want to wear a hoodie I'm going to wear a hoodie
Then the other asshole that works there said he's going to call the cops and he's not going to serve me. I wanted to smash that little mother fucker
So I dumped my fucking Slurpee on the floor so those dumb mother fuckers can clean it up
Why ? why can't I just get a fucking Slurpee, why do these mother fuckers have to harrass me and tell me to take off my hoodie
how is that a rule how is that even legal ?
What are they worried about ? that I'm going to rob them for a Slurpee ?
I'm going into another 7-11 right now and these mother fuckers better not tell me to take off my hoodie
its Bullshit!