>>18751813Sola worries that she shouldn’t have brought up Colby’s recent trials, but Colby snaps back on track. Sola accidentally smiles back when Colby talks about Amy. Dammit, why is Colby so nice? And now she wants to be friends? Carmody said...
“Hey yeah, um, about your number... Iaccidentallyputitinmyphonewrong. Carmodyhelpedmegetitworkedout. Iwasgoingtotextyousoon. Afterthenextshowmaybe.”
Sola closes her eyes expecting the laughter or... something. Instead, Colby simply smiles: ‘On your own terms.’ Colby looks to the ground and continues. Sola replies before she can think of what she’s saying.
“She’ll probably get hurt, yeah. I did. And I’m... okay? She’s a really special person and if you can have Amy then why shouldn’t she” --
“What I mean is, she really seems to love this. I have been with her a lot over the past weeks, and she’s got a knack for this. Like, Paule and Kanako and Carmody and me have been working with Ash - ah, Romero, Firebird. The Poison Queen! She’s so cool. But anyway, yeah, Carmody was at the hospital after the... attack. Last I heard she was... huh. She said ‘home’, but I don’t really know where that is. Sorry, that’s no help at all.”