Quoted By:
>It must become clear to everybody in Germany, even to last milkmaid, that Polishness is equal to sub-humanity, Polacks, Kikes and Gyppos are on the same inferior level. This must be clearly outlined until every citizen of Germany has it encoded in his subconsciousness that every Polack, whether a worker or intellectual, should be treated like the vermin they are." – Joseph Goebbels
Polacks like other Slavniggers are profoundly mentally fucking retarded, parasitic, worthless, primitive, AIDS ridden verminous subhumans who are incapable of creating a genuine human culture. I wish glorious führer and his fellow National Socialists purged every single polacknigger when they rightfully invaded their degenerate shithole of a country. And btw you shouldn't be calling yourself a NatSoc..if you're a slavshit lover.