>>9408225When I typed this, I think two separate people honked their horns at that moment, and while I'm typing this post, they are using the wriggle more.
Pic related, I do not think the USA does justice to the gravity of what it means that they are constantly activating the sexual torture implants in my anus while I am literally trying to lay the foundation of the whole universe. They don't believe it of course, because they are too uneducated in general to distinguish even good works from garbage, and therefore cannot discern greatness behind the veil of their own fascination with butthole, mockery, and sexual torture. However, it is true that all of that stuff in the Bible about God laying the foundation of the universe is what I'm doing now, and these USA faggots keep using their sexual torture implants to break my concentration every couple of seconds, and the entire rest of the body of all living humans collectively affords them total impunity to do so by not interceding to kill them, and by not even making a doctor's appointment for me to get their sexual torture implants out of my asshole.
Therefore, the arc of the history of the universe is strongly influence by the insistence of the USA agents to unceasingly electrocute my anus while I am laying the foundations. Therefore, the genocide I dole out on the day of judgement will exterminate the race(s) that do this to me. If those races don't want to be held accountable for what the members of their races do by electrocuting my anus every five seconds while I am trying to work, then they should kill these infidels and offer the infidels children to me as a burnt offering. Of course they won't, however, because their ancestors turned their backs on me long ago such that their descendants in the present day to not know the Lord at all.