>>18594944A first-time contest has a winner, but there are certain to be more twists and turns along this road.
But now, Waifumaniacs, we turn to something a little bit /scary/.
Alongside Shogun Aina and a competitor we just saw in the previous match Cassie Maverick, Masala came face to face with the undead behemoth as part of a trios match before Clash in the Kingdom. On that night, the recent birthday girl Masala emerged victorious, but there is no doubt it was thanks in strong part to her allies and the huge amounts of effort all three had to put in.
Now, Kryptine is set to meet Masala in singles competition. Kryptine is known for her brute strength and, to be honest, sometimes surprisingly technical nature. Kryptine had a strong showing for herself back in the Rookie Cup, but some fresh meat, spicy thought it may be, might be all the monster needs to get back on the path of destruction.
Conspicuous by her absence is Dr Iva Sorass, who usually accompanies her greatest creation, Kryptine, to the ring. What will the doctor’s absence mean for this match? Was Masala involved in her disappearance somehow? All of these questions and many more to be answered when this match continues!