>>18615694“I... feel silly even bringing this up, but it might maybe help to know why I am the way I am. I’m sorry if I ramble sometimes. I apologise in advance for being me. But... I wasn’t even on your match graphic. I watched the match back -- you looked great, by the way! Um, but commentary put it over like they didn’t know I was gonna be there. They had to have known, because Thea and S.D. knew, or I wouldn’t have been out there...”
“But I still wasn’t on the graphic. I know the company execs took my photo, shopping for clothes was required. But I... I know I don’t look like you do. I know we’re basically generated from different models of wrestlers. And you know... people want to see you. People want to *see* you. I’ve never really got that attention. I know this doesn’t make me sound overly stable; diffusion of my thoughts has never been my strong point. But you can check, points never go my way in those cutest polls or anything.”
>[Sola strikes a pose. Immediate regret. Was this meant to be cute? Why does she want Carmody to think she’s cute? That’s not what she meant. Dammit, Sola. Why are you like this? Why can’t you just be normal?][2/2]