Upon a recommendation that caught my interest, I started watching The Last Kingdom. It is pretty good. I just started the the third season, and I was impressed with the rapid narration at the end of the first episode. I checked the dates, and I see this season came out a few months after I published my novel
>>13832982I am glad that people like the way I write but it is frustrating that no one buys my book. I don't care if people pirate the PDF but my main complaint is that people often buy books as home decorations to fill bookshelves, but not my book. I have sold about 20 copies in the last 3 years, and 15 of them were bought by myself. The final season of Silicon Valley also took a major hint from my book. I based my style of rapid narration on the story of Joseph in Genesis. He became a slave and then master Egypt in about one page, if not less. I see that style of narration has become popular since I published my own book, and I agree with other people who think it is a good style. However, my book is the origin of the clownworld meme because it is "clownworld" that the reality which is simulated is the one in which everybody thinks my book is a giant pile of shit.