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The reason why I don't prefer or think burning is a good idea, is because if something does go wrong or there's an error, you can't exactly "cancel it" since, well, it's burned. I'm sure there's ways of canceling burned sigils, if there is let me know. As for my journal/'grimoire', I'll publish all of it for you guys; However, I'll only publish instructions/design methods/diagrams etc.; I won't be sharing my actual sigils, as to not cause any "interference". But I will post ones that I plan to de-activate right after.
And since I think sigils should be within reason, this first one will be based on the game of Poker. I have an O.K amount of experience with the game, so we'll see how it goes. However I won't be shocked or disappointed if it fails since this is experimental.
Sorry for the long post, I'm pretty new to all of this in general, I've just been watching and listening to a lot of videos. One last question though, have any of you ever experimented with adding animals to the design of your sigil which could perhaps represent a certain "method of achieving"? Like maybe a Ram? A bird? I'm considering adding a snake to the left side of mine since I do want my achievement to be "sneaky" or to perhaps "slithering my way to that achievement". I understand snakes have a certain significance in some religion, so do you think it could maybe be 'dangerous'? (Mainly asking this because I only want to stick with "self"/custom sigils, I definitely don't want to be fucking with any entities or 'envoke' anything).
If any of you have tried anything else experimental, let me know, I'd love to hear it, or just anything else in general, open to reading pretty much anything.
Also general magick thread. (((They))) don't want you to know about it