>>15524018io was thinking of making a thread like this. in 2014 i started waking up, i already new about the fed and rothchilds, but not much else. i started studying ,what is communism, what was ww2 about, slowly but surley you realise the jew owns the banks, the media, social media, music industry, hollywood and nrtflix, big pharmer, military industrial complex and run the government. find out they have been pushing all the fagotry and anty white family through media for decades, cant watch childhood movies anymore because they are all satanic. find out they fund the nigger rap to destroy the minds of the youth while liberal whores push thier jew funded mess at universities. etc etc realise the jew cre3eated freemasonry to subvert christian lands and install their global bamks, find out the created comunism funded the bolshivic revolution and also installed mao in china for their commnist program. learn about nasa being ex nazi scientists, ohh shit italian catholic marfia and jesuits have a dark hand, and also the russian marfia.
I realised most conspiracies are true including the fact the world is runn by interdimentional psycicic vampire pedophiles. and lern about every thing in pic related, was ontop of all this by 2016 when trump came up, lost half my friends during start of trump and then because i knew covid was a bio wepon from wuhan lab funded by faucie and peter dazic, and the globohomo plan to get us all on mrna washots was a preplanned effort of planatary take over. i lost most of my extended family as they are all vaxies, nim not welcome at family events like xmas etc anymoore.
realise no one can relate irl, thinking about starting a monastery in the mountains somewhere.