>>16054724>You think casinos are ethical? If not, then neither are these kinds of restaurants.Casinos prey upon a vulnerable portion of the population with addictive or impulsive predispositions, I'd agree basically scamming people. Even though they're a source of entertainment, they also contribute to many people's financial ruin. So let's say we agree that the permitted continued operation of casinos is unethical, should they be against the law, and why? If we say it should be banned because the entertainment produced by the casino does not outweigh its negative externalities, then mustn't we also ban alcohol? Physical abuse, drunk driving accidents, even murder are all grave consequences as a result of intoxication. Are these deadly fruits of humans' incessantly poor judgment acceptable costs of freedom? Should people be allowed to make shitty decisions, such as ordering or selling burgers with full onion disks? Its shittiness is inarguable, but perhaps the choice should be permitted.
I actually don't know, I was just rambling. I haven't thought about this enough to have a strong opinion either way.
>Why would you ever eat onions as if they were apples?They're obsessed with the gains. It's kind of like how I'm certain there are devout weebs on /a/ that live and breathe anime. It's the same on /fit/. They obsess over gaining muscle and losing fat. So when you're completely obsessed, you're willing to do anything to move toward what you want. That relates to the bread, too. It'd make them "enjoy" the onion experience even less, because bread is comrpised of almost exclusively carbohydrates, which most of them are attempting to minimize. So it could still give them the testosterone boost, but while interfering with their macronutritional goals.
>I'm pretty sure that there's better ways of raising testosterone other than eating onions like applesThere very well may be, and they probably do those things too, but in their minds, this is a bonus. charlim