>>18833826Sin is very clear and the answers lie in the Bible as well as your heart. What is bad and what is good lies within any man with good.
There is one God. Hindus worship demons. Any false "god" is a lesser entity of worship that isn't and never will be God's equal. It is an abomination.
Understanding of what it means to be Christian is very simple, I will tell you. First comes grace - a gift from God that may come to you in your life time. It is a spiritual gift that will offer you the right direction and offer reassurance. That direction is Christ Jesus. Through Jesus a man comes to God, and through Jesus alone.
Only when a man understands, knows and loves Jesus can a man begin to understand, know and love God.
As for pacifism in Christianity, it just isn't true. It's true in the modern age sure but in the past, not so.
Christians are very merciful but sin is sin. There is only so much that can be done for a sinner and that is the line we tread today.