>>5924385Thanks buddy but I'm pretty redpilled on the JQ. The girl told me her dad's jewish as if my opinion mattered it was so cute... and God damn yes if I should leave I will slam that door Goebbels. Just gotta find that right person to slam it on... But yes, I think it's a necessary evil should it come to it. God bless Donald Trump.
>>5924383https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9364202,-88.7510273,3a,75y,217.23h,80.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slb-qQj3Yts5CaNd-DzWnww!2e0!7i13312!8i6656When this updates to 2018 you'll see me sieg heiling and just know I will be laughing my fucking ass off. It's somewhere very close to this spot I saw the camera as I drove towards that stoplight and knew I had to this time. I imagine it'll blur me I dont give two fucks got mitt uns.
I actually feel happy for once with liquor maybe I need help...
>>5924385>>5924383Thank you two so much again. I'm not just saying that I'm coherent enough to type still it really means the world to me. I don't know what else I can give you I really wish I had more to give. I'm a bit out of it but truly I mean it... I try to do the best I can but if I should fail I wish you all the best. You people truly are the best...