>>9816879I don't ever ever make threads. I am not part of the military or any operation to control people (unlike Inb4).
I speak up when I see unethical shit happening. I see people being led off the cliff and felt they should at least have a damn chance and a choice. SO the Saturday before Trump finally said something I forced the hand because the sheep were being lied to--they believed the virus is a hoax. That was by design--anyone that has a brain can go read the same stuff I did--but they don't-they mindless follow the shepherd.
I posted all my RV sauce at 8kun that day-and they hounded the fuck out of me-calling me shill, liar whatever--not one person having the courage to LOOK at the information. NOT ONE-they just attacked like--OH I dunno--a programmed pack of hyenas.
I even posted my economic solution as to how we could get through what is coming in a better way. And Trump is literally trying to do that--and so are other countries.
Project Zephyr is THE PLAN for the most part--but the kike that supposedly made the videos and flipped the script to point fingers at Trump? LOL fuckwads--yes you fucking KIKES the sheep believe you but I see what you did there.
The fun part of the virus has not even made it into your consciousness yet--this is what they are most afraid of...not working. If it works THEY WIN and we loose--if it doesn't work...we win--and they loose.
The Plan and the Opposition to The Plan are still entwined-& although I have a personal opinion as to whether or not it has been undone enough-I'm going to stick to NOT SURE-too many tangles to see through right now. On the surface of things it appears that THE PLAN is still happening.
First the purification-then absolute obedience to the state.
First the hard bit is that it is 100% necessary that NPCs on both sides die. The earth cannot sustain that much stupid. Solar minimum is happening & we will have reduced food supplies. Better they die NOW than starve slowly to death.
Stupid chinks