>>11834506>You are teleported back in time to the 1500s. What do?Teleported back to the Golden Age of Poland, when it was the biggest European empire, and my family was top tier nobility? Yes please!
1. I would go to my family manor, bro-fist my Grand-grand-grand-grand...grand-father who was top tier Polish nobility, talk with him, explain the situation, gain his trust and the trust of my ancestors - tell them things only family members would know at that time.
2. Ask my ancestors to introduce me to the kings. Become an advisor to the kings. My ancestors were rich af, had massive amounts of land and being top tier nobility they were in constant contact with the Kings. So that would be very easy.
3. Pass on the knowledge of:
- physics and mechanics
- various designs of steam engines, clockworks and engineering
- chemistry
- medicine
- agriculture
- metallurgy
- geography, land routes, sea routes, location of trading ports in India, middle East, China
- administration
- warfare and military technology available for construction at that time
- big incoming events
- art
- music
4. Tell them that the fall of Polish empire will begin with internal conflicts between the Crown and nobility, as a retard king will start breaking the rules, diminishing trust and loyalty to the crown, which will create a window of opportunity for Swedes to attack Poland while Poland will be at war with Russia - and it's all downhill from there. Tell them that later on Germany, Austria and Russia will gang up to conquer Poland 3 vs 1.
5. Tell them to never, ever, fucking ever never trust the anglo saxxons as in the history they've 100% backstabbed Poland in every single interaction, no exceptions.
6. Ask a family relative cardinal to arrange a meeting with the Pope. Tell him where Europe is going, what will become of Christianity, of Europe, of Latin civilization.
7. Write letters to all the European kings, princes, aristocrats, magnates about the shitty fate of Europe.