>>813626>Learning about the world>ON 4CHANLOL do you actually believe that?
You're talking to NEETs and maximal losers.
>b-b-b-but what about socalled "productive" boardsWhich ones?
/g/? - Where the vast majority of people just write fizzbuzzes in haskell and rust and make fun of any remotely popular technology? You know almost none have ever worked on a real world project?
/biz/ - Ah yes. The board where a year ago, in a 500 person pol 50% (FIFTY. PERCENT.) OF THE PEOPLE WERE UNEMPLOYED?
/fit/ - the board where people spam shitty memes all day and most people cant bench 225lbs according to polls?
The people on the business board don't have jobs.
The people on a fitness board can't bench an intermediate weight.
The people on the technology board can't even fucking program.
There's better forums. There's better websites. Even fucking reddit is better than this shitgeap. PROVE ME WRONG. RIGHT. NOW.