>>18228190Daphne Westbrook
Copypasting old post, shills love these threads.
>glowniggers try to conjure up some reason to arrest a dude working for them>they make up that he has a daughter and that he kidnapped her>they fabricate all those pics of her>4chan autists can see these niggers glowing>find out that it's not real photos>glownigs start intimidating people in the threads>some giga autist finds out how to 100% identify any picture that comes from this specific AI>there's weird wave lines drawn on random surfaces, because the AI thinks it should reflect light coming from a rippling water surface>a few weeks later, China completely destroys glow ops in myanmar, all CIA operatives are sold for spare parts>turns out those retards used the same AI to generate their fake social media profiles>probably lots of other glowniggers lost in other countries due to the same reasoniirc they found 'her' on a traffic stop or someshit and no one ever mentioned the dad again.
Anons that called 'schizooooooooo!!!!' are the same people that genuinely believed what you could use on a web browser from your cellphone was the best AI available. Lol. Lmao.
Blackbudget glownigger shit running on super computers was probably a litttttle bit better..
Ever since stable diffusion dropped I bet they feel real fucking dumb when anons point out theres been better stuff out there for years developed independantly of any public eye, and the anons that bitch about any mention of it now are one of the same, and the OPs that spam it have been mindbroken by the revelation that subtle public testing has been going on for quite sometime and they were correct all along.