>>12208248I have, at first you think they're normal, and the memes were just a joke. Then they reveal themselves as cunts in small ways, never enough to say "AHAH! CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED JEW!" and it's only when you start reviewing their behaviour that you realize they were Jewing the whole time and then you realize that you've been screwed over by this hook nosed cunt that's still acting like he's never done anything wrong a dozen times, and he's doing it to everyone.
And then you meet other Jews and you see them doing the exact same thing and then you realize the memes are true.
And don't even get me started on politics. If you've got Jews in your political movement you can guarantee you're being conned. If you scratch the surface libertarianism is just pure Jew ratbaggery. Neoliberalism, neoconservatism, communism, just off the top of my head, all followed the same pattern. It seems like a good idea in theory but in the end it's all just a big Jewish con.
Even this board since I started giving the Jews both barrels you see the blacked posting has been reduced and the pedoposting and tranny posting has all but disappeared. Because it was Jews behind it and I made this place uncomfortable for them, so they left and took their degeneracy with them.
They really are terrible people.