>>21791366>>21791367Saturn is the King of Tartarus, which in Greek Cosmomorphy corresponds to Gaia's Anus (That's why deformed monsters/aberrations like the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires were born after the Titans, Uranus was sodomizing Gaia and sticking his anal children back into her like literal shit).
https://archive.is/WJDZR>The mention in the “Spirit Cooking” ritual of “Earthquake Nights” is in relation to the belief that sodomy can cause earthquakes, particularly when committed against a child who has been especially conceived through ritual to be an incarnation of a god. Remember that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (by earthquake and volcano) was precipitated by the inhabitants attempting to sodomize the angels that visited Abraham. Pompeii and Herculaneum were also destroyed, and the inhabitants were also notorious sodomites. (Note: Yesterday, Nov. 5, just as this article was being posted, the Daily Mail reported on a priest in Italy who claimed that the recent earthquakes in that country were divine punishment for state sanctioning of gay marriage last month, with vigorous denials from the Vatican, of course.)>The concept has to do with the destruction of the Fundament, the lowermost chakra, corresponding to the lower-most sphere on the Tree of Life. When the Fundament is damaged, the Earth prolapses, and, if the damage is extensive enough, the pillars that hold up the ceiling collapse. The realm above meets with the realm below. Sky and Earth (Anu and Ki, or Ouranos and Gaia) having been separated by God to allow creation to take place, are now brought together again, and the “Chemical Wedding” annihilates them both