>My parents are textbook malignant narcissist psychopaths. >I am chronically ill and disabled (unable to maintain a work schedule due to diseases which flare unpredictably).>My disability (cardiac) was caused by the local fire department. >I have two kids.>My only income is child support and SSDI. >I am currently receiving housing assistance from the Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency Crisis Response (aamentalhealth.org) in the form of federal EHP(Emergency Housing Program) after being evicted in November 2022.>During this time and the time leading up to this event I have been the targeted victim of fraud, hate crimes, abuse, harassment, surveillance, assault, and discrimination.>Crisis Response is essentially an arm of the police department. >My evidence shows that Crisis Response conspired to harm me by deception, gaslighting me, threatening me, purposely causing me intentional distress, purposely attempting to drive me to suicide or death due to my disabilities, purposely attempting to cause my homelessness, conspiring to have my children removed from my care, invading my privacy, and defamation. >I have reasonable suspicion that my parents, the police and Crisis Response with the aid of the fire department, other county offices, and non-profit organizations are trying to kill me to silence me and punish me. >I have compiled evidence of these crimes in the link provided below. Due to the volume of the evidence you may find the most pertinent information starting at the yellow highlighted pages near the end. The other information provides context and and further supports my findings. >I have notified the FBI and I urge others to do so if they feel naturally compelled to help. Any other form of assistance and dialogue are welcome. Evidence:
https://share.icloud.com/photos/086F9z8saUpu-g6fw7ESjAe9gWhat are the political implications of the police trying to kill me in an attempt to silence me?