>>10100066>be autistic incel>no drive or ambition>suffer from depression>play video games all day>glued to computer chair>browse /pol/ one day>see a bullshit pizzagate thread>((((autism intensifies))))>OH I KNOW IMMA SAVE DUH KEEEEDZ>thinks he's gonna be a hero>starts believing in photo shopped pictures and minor coincidences >((((confirmation bias intensifies))))>PIZZAGATE IS REAAAL HURRR DURR!!!>joins a discord dedicated to "pizzagate investigation">instantly put on a watch listWhen will you naive little boys learn? There is no salvation in this life. You spend your free time aimlessly wandering in the dark, well let me help guide through this rabbit hole. This pizzagate phenomenon is nothing more than the incoherent ramblings and fixations of a mentally unstable person. When you feed into this mental illness it will consume you..