>>10170993Secret Command Document
Flight gyro trial status update No. available Number of test flights
Haunebu I available 2 pieces 52 E-IV
Haunebu II available 7 pieces 106 E-IV
Haunebu III available 1 piece 19 E-IV
Vril 1 available 17 pieces 84 (Schumann)
Empfehlung: (recommendation) Speed up from final test and production of “Haunebu II” + “Vril I”
Schematic of the Haunebu I.
Medium heavy armed flight gyro type “Haunebu I”
Diameter: 25 meters
Propulsion: Thule Techyonator 7b
Steering controls: Mag-feld-impulser 4
Velocity: 4800 Kilom.p.Hour (arithmetically until 17000)
Range in flight hours: 18 hours
Armaments: 2 x 8 KSK in Turrets and 4 x Mk 108
External armour: Double Victalen
Crew: 8 men
Space capability: 60%
Hovering capacity: 8 minutes
Flight operation capacity: Day and Night
Fundamental applicability: 60%
Basic front availability not before the end of the year ‘44
Bemerkung (Remark): The SS E IV regards construction plans on Haunebu II to make more sense than to work on both types at the same time. The “Haunebu II” promises decisive improvements in nearly all points. Higher production costs seem justified – especially regarding the Führer special order. Flight gyro concerning.