>>19439511>"hitting the wall"It's a meme for incels and dumped men to seethe and exult over how women who rejected them will soon regret it.
The truth is, women in their 30's have no problem whatsoever finding new relationships, especially if they've been taking care of themselves and maintaining their beauty. It is true, though, that there is a high probability that a woman who failed at one relationship just doesn't have happiness inside her, and thus won't be happy in the others. However, if you are consuming incel content, there's a 99.9% guarantee you aren't capable of happiness either.
It is also true that aging and biological clock ticking is much more real for women than for men. Producing offspring at all, never mind a healthy one, becomes more difficult and less probable with every single year for a woman in her 30's. So, she feels the increasing pressure, because if she doesn't create a family she wants before the approaching menopause, she'll have to settle for bottom feeders.
A man can be attractive in his 60s (if he's, say, successful, confident and takes care of himself), and I've known a guy who was producing children in his 70s with various women. A woman after about 45 is toast, and no amount of money, success or effort can change that, basically if she doesn't have a good family and kids by her late 30s, she never will.
>filled to the brim cum buckets women who can't give birth to healthy kids.You do realize that the amount of sex a woman has had has no relationship whatsoever to her ability to produce healthy kids, right?
Age does have something to do with it, but it's not XVI century now, so 34 is not old.