the sideboob on zuikaku looks neat
bretty based design if you ask me
>>11076897it has mescaline in it, but then again san pedro is grown all around the world and it grows much faster and much bigger
i need to check local laws though
also; fertiliser isn't all purpouse, check what plants want from fertilisers before giving them some
>>11077624just ignore him, it can always be the mean romanian
I'm out of greek food wordplay so I stopped responding, nothing good ever comes from feeding the trolls
that being said
>>11076887you seem a bit under the weather, is something bothering you or were you born with daddy's dick already stuck in your mouth
if it's the former there are plenty of threads on [bnat] that are willing to hear you out, if it's the latter take my sincere condolences, must be hard living with aids and incestous father in tandem, hope vishna releases you of this mortal coil and misery soon and you find your peace