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TERF here.
It's because they are the most extreme manifestations of male entitlement and narcissism worsened by intense autism.
Let's start with entitlement. When rejected, everybody feels hurt. Most people go through a phase where they become angry at their romantic interest for rejecting them. Thoughts like, "I do everything for them and they still don't appreciate me!" are common. The stereotypical "nice guy" that was a common internet joke ten years ago is a good portrayal of how this entitlement plays out in men.
Male narcissism usually manifests as an assumption that dick is the end all and be all. If a woman is a lesbian, she just hasn't been fucked properly. If you girlfriend wants to have sex with another man, that's disgusting and she wants to cuck you. If she wants to have sex with another woman, that's hot, because there's no way a woman could steal your girlfriend away.
Now most men are psychologically well enough to recognise that these are flawed ways of looking at the world. After a few days of bemoaning how their love interest does not reciprocate, most men dismiss it as bad luck and try to find someone new. Men might joke that lesbians just need a good dicking, but they're completely aware of middle aged and elderly lesbians who clearly don't want dick.
With trannies, however, this normal self reflection that moderates the average man's completely human impulses never occurs because of autism. They don't just accept rejection and move on. They get angry because they *are* women, and it doesn't matter what those biocunts say. Their feelings earn them the right to use women's washrooms and enter women's sports. They suffer so much for being trans! That entitles them to sisterhood.
And if lesbians say they don't want men? Well, guess what, they're not men! Sure lesbians say they don't like dick, but they just need to get over their genital preferences.
Trannies are just bad men with autism.