>>10829746If you wouldn't mind indulging me, here's another from last night that I'd like your opinion on, please. ▪Personally, I'm thinking if these optics had been spread far and wide long ago, there'd be less of a need to redpill so many people today.
>"Mr Kissinger said he had disliked President Kennedy's people - but Nixon's were far worse.▪Why Kennedy was Murdered
...When John F. Kennedy was elected to the White House, he thought it was
his own doing. The master puppeteers had kept a low profile, not wishing to spook the young, headstrong John Kennedy. The ruling elite body known as the “Committee of 300" ... gently at first, but with increasing impatience, led Kennedy slowly to accept the unseen halter they had placed around his neck.
"When Kennedy did become aware of the halter – and it came slowly at first – the young president vowed he would remove it. Kennedy was incensed to think that a British institution, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) was actually exercising control over his presidency and indeed over the entire U.S., as his investigations were revealing..."
https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/alt.assassination.jfk.uncensored/fxmc7f9iupcThank you. There's never enough Truth to be had, is there?