>>14786888You've already started reading it? That was quick.
As for Faulkner, I find him quite hit or miss. I also like Light in August. Or rather about half of it but I love that half. Something like The Hamlet on the other hand is just dull and not even the language can save it. For me it's the characters that make a book, if I find them intriguing enough I can put up with just about anything. If they're not then reading becomes more like an assignment than a relaxing activity.
Anyway, I also like a few more straightforward books such as The Witch of Blackbird Pond. It's pretty cute.
>>14785050I forgot to answer this, from what I can remember she showed up here about a month or so ago for the first time and back then she had no idea how to use the site. She knows now because of the tips she kept getting. Also I'm pretty sure the anime club was just a joke.
And hey, looks like you're one of the cyberbullies too. What are your thoughts on that development?