>>13241458Christianity is a nigger religion. It comes to no surprise that it predominantly spread through nigger communities and that it spends billions yearly on missions to proselityze Africa.
Not only does it promote mind-numbing groupthink and historically eschews actual philosophy and reasoning, but ends up completely ignoring its own dictates. You're not expected to follow, honor & understand any rule. That's too complicated, and Christianity caters to niggers and niggerbrains. It starts with the given that everyone is a nigger (sinner), and thus you needn't worry about what you did or did wrong, so long as you repent. All you need to do is believe HARD ENOUGH, and all will be sorted out by a god much brighter and smarter than your niggerbrain is. Even Judaism is a more respectable religion on account that you actually have to do shit god says you should do.
Christianity on the other hand maintains and proposes salvation on welfare so long as you truly believe in the gift of spiritual gibs.