>10271433>daddy NormieDon't ever call me that you disgusting freak.
>>10271441A lot of blacks in America are christian. It's really sad and they're all hijacking the faith for the wrong reasons. Free healthcare and education is something I think America should adopt just for the betterment of society as a whole. I mean we're not going to get anywhere fucking over people who want to contribute great things to society.
The whole bad teeth thing seems to be the only real gripe that Americans have. That and the idea of the queen. I mean come on bro yall have a queen. IN 2020. A FUCKING QUEEN. It's kinda hard not to look at your whole country like a bunch of serfs. That's just american ignorance though.
That's another huge difference. Ignorance in america is not only tolerated but applauded. Same thing with psychos in finance and business. We push them to the forefront to fuck people over.
I've put a lot of thought into moving to yurop to try to join up with a fighting force but I'd only want to join the Brits due to their class and decorum regarding infantry treatment.
Do you by any chance have any lads that have served you can give some anecdotal advice on?