>>13225649because all colour crts have option to decrease saturation providing a black and white (grayscale) view, that being said I have to also tune contrast and brightness at such occassions so it doesn't look deepfried in greyscale
>>13225667I use this cheap converter I bought off of aliexpress, it can run without shadow charge but that way it drains the battery on laptop a bit faster
it's not true rgb conversion but I rhink the colours you can get this way on the crt are still way crisper and more natural than on any midbudget lcd
is it better than plasma or oled? god no
is it cheaper? I got it for free
does it have a rustic feel like 90s porn? yes
if you wanted true rgb conversion I reckon you'd need one of the raspberry pi boards , though honestly I wouldn't bother unless you had a newly made crt with fresh phosphor that will in fact provide better results in almost any framerate than plasma or lcd, but they would prolly be surprisingly more expensive as the technology is mostly abandoned by the mass production companies