>>10011968A very powerful enlightened ancient nation and long time allies of Ireland.
Unfortunately and wrongfully have been given the title surrender monkeys by the (((Anglos))) basically because you sided with the Germans in the end, well some of you did.
Till this day the ONLY western people in the world who can at almost any time have a revolution and have the balls to fight their jew ridden government.
Birthplace of the modern new French right, the biggest development of rightist thinking in a long time.
Cons : full of non European people who hate you and constantly rape and murder French people..
Sadistic rotshild banker manlet in power who has zero taste, just look at what that scumbag did to some buildings!
Its a crime on humanity!
The French are the only western European people I have any faith in to do something, to do what's needed. You guys know about the problem, but you need to purge all cuckservatives and say "vive la France "