>>303555Listen you little shit.
This is a small board.
It's pretty easy to notice that there is a fucking inbred netherlander redpill idiot /pol/ shill shitposting here every day at the same hours, copypasting the same scrolls of shit that no one will ever fucking read, and being an unsufferable faggot. In fact I actually remember you getting BTFO and fleeing away like the actual coward scum you are just yesterday, which must not happen so often, because no one gives enough of a fuck about you to put so much effort into replying to your insane alternate meme-generated reality shitposting. It's actually pretty fucking easy to notice, that you do not like /bant/, and if you post here it is because you might actually have been enough of an unsufferable faggot to get deported from /pol/, or you are baiting, or you are alone on a crusade to redpill us.
This doesn't matter to me because what's even more fucking easy to notice is that you are underage faggot scum that I suspect to come straight from r/the_donald or from the nupol which is shitpost diarrhea containment land, and your kekposting forever marks you as an actual IRL retard and an inbred mongoloid.
Listen. From the moment you decided to defecate your latent retardation into this board you fucking lost, because here you never will be met by a friendly environment. Everyone on this board that has ever noticed your existence, hates you. You will never convince anyone to join on the derailing altright neofag train that you are riding here. You will never accomplish anything here. And all I am saying is that it is in your best interest, that you leave this place.
It is the last post.