>>17127211Totally agree. But at this point (as usual) 5chong is ahead of the curve, so I think every anon should be hedging his bets for most scenarios:
> setting up private antifragile pensionnobody to pay pensions, governments crash
> buying tangible assetsmuch harder to appropriate a turbine in a stream than garnishing wages to pay for boomers and women
> donating sperm gotta game the system to pass ones genes. less chance of a woman fucking you over, though it's not zero
> creating family unit A bit risky, but if you take great care in picking your mate and take all the steps you can to prevent divorce rape and the like you're setting yourself up for a better future. Almost all the childless men in my country say they feel a sense of loneliness and that they missed out (cant be arsed to pull the article). but the greatest social benefit of a family is that it works as an insurance and pension policy at the same time. roasties will be eaten by their cats, I'll be fat and happy, rolling on the floor playing with grandkids
> create conditions for self sufficiencywhether it be a nano ledger loaded with Monero to GTFO or a plot you can grow food on. if there is a population collapse nobody is shipping you food or seeds anymore. if SWIFT or whatever payment system fails internationally or even local trade fails crypto has a use case for barter. Internet + DeFi means you dont have to use a CBDC
just some loose thoughts I'm working towards. after Rome fell villas became keeps, and houses motte and bailey castles. todays version might be the urban wage slave vs. the rural prepper. if the collapse happens in our lifetime I want the internet racists to be part of the new nobility