>>20195843It's over
>>20195863I can make it worth your while.
>>20195895Oh no...
>>20195919None of that is true of course, another Britty suspection.
>>20195992Hah, funny that.
>>20196158Tattoos are le bad however.
>>20196194How about neither of those?
>>20196242>>20196254I do things that this guy also does.
>>20196272Oh my lord in heaven, it makes so much sense now, for you see bla bla bla, Dies irae character who is connected to Izanagi loses 2 close people and then sets out to revive them, but then finds out that upon revival they will be trapped as eternally reviving warriors of valhalla, which is a direct opposite of what they would have wanted.
>>20196278>>20196284It do be like that.
>>20196301>>20196334>>20196339>>20196346>>20196363It's over.
>>20196366>>20196380I mean according to BMi that's still holds true, and fat "people" should be mercilessly bullied so,
>>20196438Don't eat her.
>>20196453It's over.