>>15336897>I just wish I remembered them better.i heard that you can remember them clearly when you first wake up but your memory of it diminishes rapidly as time goes on
if youre really intent on keeping track of your dreams then write it down somewhere as soon as you wake up
>it feels like an eternity, but when I'm at home and desperately not wanting that last hour before having to go to come, it passes by incredibly fast.yeah the brain works in weird ways, i heard that if you look at an analog clock and blink a few times in 1 second, then you perceive the second hand as taking 2 seconds to move instead of 1
or something like that
i probably worded that very badly but it's true because i tried it
>But if just sitting there is what you feel like doing right nowid like to be doing at least something
i havent really played any games besides touhou(which i have already gotten bored of) for months and everything seems stale
and i dont post on any other boards besides bant either because i have no interests that have boards(or generals) on 4chan
shit situation
also the character limit is 2000 you dont need to make separate posts every time