>>4920322you drain tons of resources digging these tunnels, manage to cause a huge amount of casualties
>>4920324the estonians decide to avoid conflict and politely refuse
>>4920327you manage to push in, the chinese also push in
>>4920335you make a decent push into ukraine
>>4920337you start a civil war of independance
>>4920338honduras capitulates, soldiers from el salvador get angry at the mexicans, morale boosted
belize surrenders
>>4920344you manage to push into montenegro, kosovo endured the atack
>>4920350you manage to take all "-stans" except for afghanistan, COMMUNISM IS SPREADING
>>4920353you succesfully annex south korea
>>4920354you find resistance from the already mobilized army
>>4920362ukraine is divided
>>4920366you succesfully push
>>4920375you manage to take the rest of ireland