>>12166172>I have a plani have a idea too
we should try a jag if yours dont work out
>free also means less effort. You got robbed? I'll deal with that later.there are some pds like that already
>HRT prevents you from diddling children. Maybe that was the pointare trannies the real virtuous pedophiles
>Good luck if you were planning to beat Joshieyou dont go straight in with a shot at the champ
got to work your way up
>What does a shartel do?you know how bad cocaine is cut with laxatives
shartels cut laxatives with cocaine so people who just wanted a shit go out and party while they diarrhea everywhere
>escape the diddler minigame was pretty intense. stealth segment in a non stealth game
usually fucking awful
this one was done well
>Leon kept asking but nobody wanted to answer.nobody want to talk to cops
>were they supposed to be into each other? That's what the real ending seemed to want to suggest.yeh it looked like claire was leons cancellation prize
ada dont like you so heres girl next door
>That's one thing I didn't really like about 4 either. The action keeps escalating to the point that it doesn't really phase you anymore near the end.you might not like r3make
>But at least it had a sense of pacing.that whole castle in 4 was devil may cry instead of resident evil tho
but i admit i liked the shopkeeper concept even if it makes no sense
>Are they going to remake 4 too?hope so
>At this rate every second game that comes out will be a PS5 exclusive... And I bet the second part of the FF7 remake will be a PS5 exclusive too...again prolly only timed
pc got too much money to lock yourself out
>3D fat tends to be ugly. 2D fat can be pretty if it's the venus type. I have no idea why it is like that though...because its not real
you can draw things to be less disgusting
>Might you have the picture of the punched wall? I am looking but I can't find it...take your pick
looks like it was more than one hole
the angles dont line up from top to bottom