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> putting the pussy on a pedestal
when did you realize that the 40-year-old vrrgin movie is incredibly accurate? guys like that end up that way because they refused to make moves in fear of getting rejected. it's simply a matter of probability. you might get rejected 100 times but eventually you won't. if you fear getting rejected and never try, you will quite literally guarantee dying alone. it's not like the good ol days where women would approach even average looking guys that you meet in your small town, the world is pozzed. you probably watch too many hopeless romantic jew hollywood movies if you expect "a girl to just walk up to you one day." it's almost guaranteed to never happen. might as well play the lottery. most guys die alone because they let it happen. just have delusions of grandeur and think of yourself as being way better looking than you actually are, fake it until you make it, that's how you get past the mental block of fear of getting rejected. ifa bitch says "no, you ugly" just make fun of something about her appearance, females take it way worse. she will probably go home and obsess about it for weeks. lmao ugly black niggas try to spit game and get rejected like 10 times a day, yet they still keep trying as if they are good looking.