>>10643210 >wE're Always chAnGiNg bOuNdaRieS! wheRe doeS aN ElboW StARt OR EnD? wHEn doeS a YOuTH bEcOMe aN aDUlT? WheRe dOes aN oceAn ChaNge iNto a SEA? WhY must OUr MInds kEep dRawiNg LIneS To StRUCTURE ouR REALIty? tHe AnSweR is tHaT UNlEsS we made ThOsE MiND-cONstrUCtEd bOuNDaRieS, we'd NevEr SeE ANY tHinG aT AlL! THiS Is BeCAuSE wE raREly SEE anYTHIng tWicE As ExactLY THe SaME. eACh tiME wE'Re ALMOst certain TO Be looKInG FroM A someWhaT difFereNt vIew, peRhaps fROm NEareR oR fArtHeR, hiGhER oR LOwer, iN a difFereNT COlor OR sHadE oF LIgHt, or AGAiNsT A DIFfeRent BackgROuND.