in 2011 when the first GET Script was released, this put KoG so handily that he didn't recover for YEARS. Now, I present to the fine people of /bant/ the ability to be the KoG! You can use this script to obtain any, yes, ANY GET of your choosing! Just put in the post, solve the captcha, and put your post 1 post before, and viola! You don't even need to put a picture because imageless text posts always go through before image posts, so why even bother? The whole "mysticism" surrounding the KoG is now no more as anybody - yes, even you! - can obtain a rare GET with complete and total ease! If the 7777777 isn't taken by imptrash, you'd best believe that it will obtained via this GET script for the glory of Kek!
The Era of Cirnoposting has finally come to an end!!