>>21142430actually yes they are.
when pictured on the walls of temples and on papyri, Ra is often shown surmounted with a red or golden disc, which is not inappropriate if the Sun is truly being represented but In the liturgies dedicated to him, Ra is described as having shed a green, rather than a golden light.
Thus a hymn to Ra states:
>"Thou hast come with thy splendours, and thou hast made heaven and earth bright with thy rays of pure emerald light."In another hymn we get:
>"Ra ... the heir of eternity, self-begotten and self-born, king of earth, prince of the netherworld ... thou dost rise in the horizon of heaven and sheddest upon the world beams of emerald light"Not only did this sun shed a green, or emerald, light, it itself was green.
In his form of Sebek-Tum-Ra, this sun was the "radiant green disk."
>"Hail Green One,"was the manner in which Ra was lauded
mainstream Mythologists have nothing to say by way of explaining why the ancient Egyptians alluded to the Sun as having been green and shedding a green light.
And, as long as they continue to believe that Ra was the Sun, how can they?
Does our Sun shed a green light? Is the disk of the present sun green?
Consider further the motions of the celestial object called Ra.
In a statement found in one of the Coffin Texts, the deity is addressed with these words:
>"You shall go up upon the great West side of the sky and go down upon the great East side of the earth."Isnt this contrary to what the present Sun does?
Does the Sun today "go up" in the west? Does it "go down" in the east?