>>5474399>>>5474402 >>5474403 >>5474405 >>5474408 >>5474409 >>5474410 >>5474411 >>5474412 >>5474414 >>5474418 >>5474423 >>5474425 >>5474429 >>5474433 >>5474434 >>5474436 >>5474445 >>5474450 >>5474451 >>5474454 >>5474459 >>5474473reminder that white girls prefer masculine asian guy. asian guys are as tall as europeans as chinese statistics proves it, dick size is meme too, chinese are same. but, chinese are also more smart, higher IQ, more mature, are not constantly violent, are not throwing temper tantrums, are polite and loving. better at sex and more intimidating. thats why white girls like pic, related prefer asian man over pathetic pink peckerwoods.