>>21597759>>21597688just trade on a live account. practice with cheap single contracts. practice with regular puts/calls to start. learn how delta/theta work. observe how the contract changes price through the session. note how it changes price in relation to the underlying through the day, take note of session open/midday/close. understand how IV affects price, you'll notice it is higher at open and close. take note how spreads change.
another good idea would be to add multi contracts with different strikes and expirations to the same watchlist and take note how the price, greeks, IV, OI, Vol change. price typically increases when IV goes up.
what i usually do is pick the expiration im targeting
then say spot is currently at $60
>add the 40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80 striked options to a WLtake note of the OI, vol, IV, spread $ differences. stick with the regular expiry options(ignore the weeklies/quarterlies) for now. do this WL observation with short date expires, then 30-45 DTE, then longer term leaps 90dte+. try to stick with the options and contracts that are the most liquid.
keep in mind that with options you are anticipating a future price and they are directional dependent. practice with small risk