>>18752459>>18752464"Recent matter, what recent matter?" Amy wondered as she was led by the arm into the Divine Arena by Priscilla. She knew what Nika had done to Carmody but if anything had occurred while she'd been at the arena this was news to her. She was obviously out of the loop and Madame Divine's cheerful tone made Amy feel a little uncomfortable, but having no idea what had transpired she said the only thing she could.
>"I'm sure that whatever Colby did it was appropriate."The two enter the ring with Amy holding the middle and top ropes open as a sign of respect, this may be training but Priscilla is still the champ and there's etiquette to be followed, even if it's no longer taught in the WWA's Dojo. As Priscilla enters the ring she seems to hesitate very slightly allowing Amy to get a closer look at her deep cleavage, "is she trying to psyche me out?" Amy wondered, she'd get her answer as Priscilla suddenly grabbed her arm and wrestled her down to the canvas applying the Divine Judgement crossface.
She'd heard Gustavo's instructions but it was too late to do anything. With ruthless efficiency Priscilla completed the hold and Amy immediately tapped. "Flame! You didn't even try!", Gustavo growled from the corner, "no tapouts from now on". Before Amy can think Priscilla is on her again, a double leg takedown fast as lightning puts Amy on her back, they scramble on the canvas with both women looking for something to gain an advantage. The two wrestle to a standing position and Amy finds herself in a collar and elbow tie-up being pushed backwards into the turnbuckle, as Priscilla releases her grip Amy relaxes and looks to Gustavo believing that he may reset them back to the centre of the ring to start over.
No such luck.
Amy got her hands up just in time to block the punch but in doing so she left her midsection wide open for a chop that echoed through the empty building, then came the kick, restrained but still enough to wind her.
>"Se på MIG Amy!"