>>11848471>NEOpaganism is not about actually believing in gods, it's more about the cult of Blut und Boden>SO YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GODS? BUT YOU SHOULD!>No, we shouldn't. NEOpaganism is not equal to paganism itself. You're implying the shit that someone HAS to believe in something by yourself, no NEOpagan says so.>BUT YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GODS??? BUT YOU *SHOULD* BELIEVE! I SAID SO! YOU'RE A LARPER! I SAID YOU SHOULD BELIEVE OR YOU'RE A CERTIFIED LARPER>The fuck is actually wrong with you?>YOU IS A LARPER NIGGA I TELL YOU SHIEEET YOU NEED TO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING CUZ I SAID SO AND IF U DON'T YOUR A LARPER AND SHIEET NIGGAH! WHAT? NEOPAGANISM != PAGANISM? SHIEET NIGGA I IS RITE, NOT YOU NIGGAHAre you unironically retarded, huh?
About Orthodoxy: I am not Orthodox, as I said. I'm talking about my Volk. Russian people are Orthodox. It's really hard to tell them: "abandon your 1000+ years semitic tradition, which was brought to you by sandniggers". I'm just okay with the current state of affairs, as Russian Orthodoxy is not equal to christcuckoldism.
I would rather prefer my people to be Orthodox and naturally positive christians than atheist-basedniggers with fedoras.
Of course, the final objective is to abandon the degenerative christianity, but it would take time.
Do you understand now, retarded kiddo?