The Absolute must-reads; All kino metaphysical investigations into the Eternal Femoid.
>1) Sex & Character by Otto Weininger>2) On the Physiological Idiocy of Women by Paul Julius Möbius [PDF] translated into English for the first time.
>3) Which Way Western Man by William Gayley Simpson [PDF](Specifically, chapters 12 & 13)>4) Sex and Deviance by Guillaume Faye [ePub]>5) State and the Sexes by )))Alfred Rosenberg(((>[BONUS]>"A university professor told me that at a small party in his home for some of his colleagues and their wives, all Americans, in the autumn of 1941, one of the men made some loud-mouthed statements, about some horrid passage in Mein Kampf. The host, having two copies at hand, gave one to his guest and translated from the other for the company. The men, understanding the nature of evidence, necessarily agreed, willingly or sullenly, that the anti-German propaganda was a total lie, but one of the women, in a state of hysteria, ran screaming across the room, snatched the book from her host's hands, and began to rip out the pages, yelling that people who published such books should be killed. The insane woman was brought under control, but her fit necessarily ended what could have been a pleasant evening. Less spectacular manifestations of irrationality were not uncommon."-- Prof. Revilo P. Oliver