>>7435397How can you even compare disgusting insectoid mongoloids to beautiful aryan caucasoids?
Mongoloids (insectoids):
>all men and women look the same (same nose type, same hair color, same piss-yellow skin color)>flat monkey potato nose>one-dimensional moonface>weird, soulless pitch black bug eyes>pathetic chin for beta sons>flat titties>pancake ass>short, deformed bow legs>tiny frail body, only fit for making incel low T insect bugs>asians literally don't have body hair. If your son happens to be hapa there is a big chance he will be a hairless numale>annoying, vomit inducing high pitch voice that makes you want to commit suicide>genetically predisposed to be sociopathic or psychopathic (look at their history: Mongol empire, Timurid empire, Qing dynasty, Chinese rebellions, Japanese invasion of China, Ottoman empire rebellions/genocides...)>both men and women have high estrogenWhite Aryans (caucasoids):
>very diverse (blonde, brown, black, red hair, blue, green, brown eyes - you name it)>beautiful, straight nose>multi-dimensional faces>big, colourful, joyful eyes>strong chin for Chad sons>big milkers>big round thighs for bearing strong aryan children>long, beautiful legs>curvy, strong body, made for bearing strong Aryan sons>men are full of body hair, women only have a small amount>genetically predisposed to be empathic and help others, even insect subhumans such as asians>women are high in estrogen, men are high in testosterone