none of this makes any sense.
Any space faring civilization has already mastered such things as robotics and artificial intelligence.
So doing physical labor is out of the window.
Now what exactly they're doing here on Earth? Honestly that doesn't matter because their weapons and their technology far surpasses hours if there are indeed a space fairing civilization.
So what exactly are they in Kahoots with?
Could they have made the Jews?
Or are the Alyums Jewish?
Okay sure.
The only way this makes sense is that if the aleins look White, so they go after while people for that reason.
But it seems that they could just as easily mask themselves to be any race or sex (If they have genders, who knows?)
It just does not make sense.
Maybe they really don't think like we do, or they have some other very different way of existence.
Maybe they don't even feel, or have feelings perhaps.
Maybe more like a logic engine and less of being that feels emotions in the we do.
Who knows...