>>10340583I want an equal. Someone I don't have to give special treatment to because they have a certain genitalia. Someone who enjoys the same things I do. Someone who thinks and feels like I do. Women would always be treated differently because they're women. They have to do less push ups in gym, flexed arm hang instead of chin ups and they can make any dumb excuse for why they can't do something and everyone just cucks into accepting their lies for why they should be treated differently. In every way a woman is not a man's equal. They're parasites that want to be taken care of like children and flat out refuse to grow up. The end goal of a straight woman is to have a baby so they can give their life some kind of value as a mother so they can blame everything on being a parent, never have to care and have an excuse for why they're unable to do this or that. Women don't want to try like men do because they don't feel like they have to.
These realizations are why I'm gay. Your bro will outpace your girl every day because you enjoy being around him more than you do her. Why? Because he's your equal or your superior motivating you, making you smile, making you laugh and doing all the things a woman can do only better.