>>9530139I used to not really think too badly about people like this. I thought that maybe they just naturally are prone to weight gain and retention, that's just how they are. Never was too critical of them. Then I started dieting because I felt I was probably about 25lbs overweight. The ease at which I am losing weight while putting in almost zero actual effort has changed my entire view of these fat fucking hippos. These titanic greaseballs could lose weight if they had the slightest amount of willpower. I'm not that badly overweight and in one month I'm down 10 pounds just by cutting snacks and being aware of my calories. If these cheesy lardbuckets tried they'd be losing like 30 pounds a month. No respect. Even seeing people like that at the gym now disgusts me, where I used to feel that if you're at the gym making an effort you shouldn't be made fun of. People have ruined my optimism.